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Our Services

Personalized District Services that improve Student Learning

InnovateEd services are designed to further develop the capacity and coherence of the entire district. Our approach for every level of the district is to create communities of learners that promote collaboration and inquiry-driven improvement cycles.


InnovateEd works alongside district and site administrators to:

  • Create clarity of district goals and school priorities for student learning
  • Cultivate a culture of shared leadership and systemic collaboration
  • Develop collective expertise with a coherent instructional framework
  • Engage in evidence-based cycles of inquiry for continuous improvement


InnovateEd guides school principals and teacher leaders to:

  • Focus improvement efforts on student learning priorities to develop school-wide instructional capacity
  • Build capacity to lead robust collaborative inqurity processes that create insturctional coherence and develop precision of pedagogy
  • Implement data-driven instructional cycles focused on visible evidence of student learning


InnovateEd supports teacher teams to:

  • Collaboratively plan learning progressions that gradually release students to successfully conplete rigourous and complex tasks
  • Develop instructional expertise through participation in a lesson study process with instructional coaching
  • Collaboratively target student supports by analyzing student work, interpreting student data and engaging in learning rounds

Educational Leaders Working

Start Building Capacity at Your District

As we all know, formative feedback is crucial to the process of learning. As part of our commitment to that improvement, InnovateEd leaders will spend a few hours with your leadership team discussing your current systems and processes. Our team will then provide you, at no charge, an Executive Summary to aid your internal improvement. Simply click the button to request an appointment.

Schedule a Consultation

Customized Services Driven by Key Outcomes

Our process to scale systems and people is customized to meet the unique needs of your district and site leaders while always focusing on key outcomes. You can view our outcomes tool below. Contact us for more information on what our work might look like in your district.

Analyze Evidence to Focus Direction

Design Capacity Building Strategies

Implement Steps that Build Capacity

Refine Practices to Improve Impact

District Leadership

Set a few goals and outcomes to create a strategic focus for student learning Create systems of support for leadership, teaching and student learning Develop collective expertise of principals and teacher leaders through job-embedded professional learning Engage school Leaders in problems of practice to collectively improve teaching and learning supports

Principal Leadership

Focus school improvement efforts on student learning priorities Cultivate a collaborative culture focused on visible evidence of student learning Provide time, resources and supports to engage teachers in developing school-wide instructional capacity Review progress of improvement efforts with teacher leaders to improve school-wide support systems

School Leadership Teams

Clarify root causes of student inequity and underperformance Define student success indicators and evidence of learning to guide school-wide instructional supports Guide professional learning of teacher teams and continuous improvement of student learning Improve capacity of teacher teams to collaboratively plan instruction using evidence of student learning

Teacher Teams

Define gaps in student academic skills and behaviors Create learning progressions that gradually release students to complete rigorous and complex tasks Engage students in learning cycles with personalized instruction for mastery of skills and concepts Monitor evidence of student learning to collaboratively improve student tasks and instructional supports